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Last night, after a whole lot of technical difficulties and delays, billionaire Tesla/SpaceX CEO Elon Musk hosted Donald Trump for an interview on Twitter/X. During that rambling conversation, Trump made one thing crystal clear: He’s a union-busting scab.

Greedy bosses aren’t just laughing at workers in smoke-filled backrooms anymore. Trump doesn’t tell the truth often, but we’ll give him credit here. With millions of people listening, he showed his true colors when he gleefully congratulated Musk for allegedly firing striking workers:

“They go on strike and you say, ‘That's OK, you’re all gone...every one of you is gone.’”

These two billionaires are notorious union-busters who boast a combined record of allegedly crossing picket lines, underpaying workers, flouting health and safety laws, and retaliating against workers for demanding the rights and fair pay we deserve. Elon Musk is even allegedly suing the National Labor Relations Board rather than being held accountable for charges he illegally fired workers.

This special breed of arrogant and just plain weird billionaire CEOs just want an America where they can get even richer at workers’ expense. And they’ve got a plan to do it: Trump’s Project 2025 Agenda favors his ultra-wealthy buddies like Elon Musk while stomping on the fundamental freedoms of everyone else.

A photo of Donald Trump with the Project 2025 logo and a red down arrow.

Trump’s Project 2025 Agenda—written by some 140 former (and potentially future) advisers and staff members from his first presidency—is a dangerous, anti-worker plan that includes proposals to:

  • Make it easier for employers to get rid of workers’ unions in the middle of our contracts.
  • Ban all public employee unions.
  • Allow states to ban labor unions, eliminate overtime protections and choose not to follow the national minimum wage.
  • Even eliminate the child labor rules that protect children from working in mines, meatpacking plants and other dangerous workplaces.

Visit to find out more about Trump’s CEO-friendly, anti-worker agenda. Better make sure you’re sitting down though. And don’t forget to share it with your friends.


No matter what script Trump reads, working people know that he doesn’t care about us and he has no intention of fighting for us.

In Solidarity,