
Current News from local 282, disscussed in the monthly meeting 

JUNE  20, 2024

Issues resounding call to arms to ATU members

With the untimely and tragic passing of ATU International President Larry Hanley, the ATU General Executive Board has chosen International Vice President John A. Costa to serve as ATU International President until the next ATU Convention set for September 2019.  

Late last month, a Boston-area man was arrested for allegedly boarding an M.B.T.A. bus and assaulting the driver. According to the Boston Globe's MetroDesk blog, police reports say the suspect got on the bus and confronted the driver about pulling away from a previous stop without letting him board. Witnesses saw the suspect punch the driver until he hit the ground, then kick him while he was down.

Statement from International Executive Vice President Javier Perez on passing of International President Larry Hanley

It is with great sadness that I write to inform you that our beloved International President Larry Hanley passed away suddenly yesterday. Our heartfelt sympathies and condolences go out to his family at this very difficult time. This is an unfathomable and tragic loss for the ATU and the entire labor movement. As further details are available additional information will be provided.

ATU with Dan Maloney President of UAW and President of Rochester Labor Council, candidate for Monroe County Legislature.

On 1/30/19 Jacques and Jeremy Smith, ATU 580 Syracuse Business Manager, were in Albany to testify at the Joint Senate and Assembly Public Hearing 2019-2020 Budget Proposal.

ATU 282 welcomed Officers from ATU 580 in Syracuse, NY for a visit today. They toured the East Main St campus and the Downtown Transit Center.

Thank you for coming Don Green, Jeremy Smith and Naomi Vannoy!

Hands off that transit money.

A new law in New York signed in the final days of 2018 will make it politically tough to pilfer money intended for transit across the state to use elsewhere the budget.